Wichita Al-Anon Districts 19 and 20
Wichita and Sedgwick County make up Districts 19 and 20. A district is a geographic area having several Al-Anon meetings. The Wichita Al-Anon groups are divided into Districts 19 and 20. Main Street is the dividing line; groups west of Main are in District 19 and groups east of Main are in District 20. In addition, Andale, Clearwater, Cheney, Colwich, Garden Plaine, Goddard, Haysville, Maize, Sedgwick, and Valley Center are part of District 19. Derby, Kechi, McConnell AFB, Mulvane, and Park City are part of District 20.
Both Districts 19 and 20 have a District Representative who chairs the district meetings and represents the districts at area World Service Organization (WSO) Committee meetings twice a year in Salina, KS. They serve to provide information from the Area and from the WSO to the groups.
Currently Districts 19 and 20 are meeting together for district meetings.
Meeting Schedule
The districts meets once a quarter. The group representative from each group is expected to attend. However, any Al-Anon member may come; we encourage as many as possible to attend to know what is going on in the district.
Kansas Area Assembly
In addition to the district meetings, Group Representatives are expected to attend Kansas Area Assemblies.